SEOAnt and Trustoo Bolsters the Organic Traffic of Sono Contour by 56%

Beauty & Fitness
Products Used
SEOAnt ‑ AI SEO Optimizer Product Reviews App
Increased Average Order Value
Organic Traffic Gowth in 2 Month
Increased Conversion Rates

Brief Summary

Industry: Beauty & Fitness

Platform & Agency: Shopify 

Challenge: Unable to drive qualified organic traffic to the website and convert them into paying customers.

Solution: Adopted SEOAnt to optimize the website to make it more search-engine friendly and used to gather and display reviews in different channels. 

Results:  Achieved a 15% increase in AOV, a 56% increase in organic traffic growth, and a 23% increase in conversion rate. 

About Sono Contour: Revolutionizing skincare with modern technology

Sono Contour has an extensive collection of skincare products and DIY skincare devices that provide professional-grade treatments at home. The brand’s products have carved a name for themselves in the areas of quality and safety, which has encouraged their potential customers to embrace self-care as part of their daily routine. 

Challenges: Impediments slowing the growth story of Sono Contour

Main Takeaways

  • Inability to attract organic traffic.
  • Difficulty in converting a significant portion of website visitors into customers.
  • Not able to influence the purchasing behavior of their customers. 
  • Found it daunting to build trust and credibility among potential customers due to the lack of social proof.

Despite the distinctive qualities of their products, Sono Contour found several challenges in improving sales. The biggest hurdle was in driving organic traffic to their website due to the poorly optimized website for search engines. This limited their reach and restricted their potential customer base. They had to rely purely on ads and other paid channels to draw visitors, which turned out to be a costly endeavor. 

To make matters worse, there was a huge gap in their conversion strategy, which explained why only a handful of visitors got converted into customers. Upon investigation, the gap was due to a lack of authentic reviews and testimonials. As a result, Sono Contour could not instill confidence in its offerings. They found it particularly demanding to win over skeptical consumers and influence their purchase decisions. 

The complexity and the criticality of these problems triggered Sono Contour to immediately look for potential solutions that could change its growth trajectory. They found the ideal partners in SEOAnt and

“Before using SEOAnt and Trustoo, our website experienced issues at multiple levels starting from attracting potential customers to converting them into loyal customers. We were burning cash in advertisements which impacted our profitability to a great extent”

— Ms. Cheryl, Sales and Marketing Manager, Sono Contour

Solution: SEOAnt and catapulted Sono Contour to the top of the beauty care industry

Main Takeaways

  • SEOAnt’s speed optimization tools collectively streamlined website performance.
  • AI SEO booster automatically optimized several on-page elements of Sono Contour that were critical for search engine visibility. 
  • SEOAnt detected 404 errors and managed bulk URL redirections to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • SEOAnt’s auto-scanning features continuously monitored the critical aspects of the SEO performance of Sono Contour and addressed them before they affected the rank.
  • attracted reviews from satisfied customers through personalized email requests.

Upon integrating SEOAnt with its website, Sono Contour successfully leveraged its Auto Page Speed Optimizer feature to improve website loading times. This had a positive impact on the user experience, making it attractive to potential customers and search engine algorithms alike. Parallely, SEOAnt proactively monitored and improved key SEO elements of Sono Contour’s website including tags, alt texts, and structured data markup. This helped Sono Contour become more relevant to industry-specific search queries. In a short span, the SERP ranking of Sono Contour improved, making it more visible and accessible to the target audience.

SEOAnt also prevented potential traffic loss due to broken links and outdated URLs by automatically detecting 404 errors and managing unwanted URL redirections. It helped preserve valuable link equity and also improved the integrity and accessibility of the Sono Contour website. 

Finally, worked in tandem with SEOAnt to convert these organic visitors into customers. It collected and curated valuable reviews about Sono Contour from past customers by sending personalized email requests to them. The authenticity and the appeal of the message encouraged them to leave positive reviews. Upon highlighting these reviews on the Sono Contour website, prospective customers had more confidence in the efficacy of the products. 

Results in focus: Unveiling impact and outcomes of the partnership

  Main Takeaways

  • 15% increase in Average Order Value
  • 56% rise in organic traffic growth
  • 23% surge in conversion rates

Once SEOAnt optimized Sono Contour’s website, it improved its SERP ranking and expanded its reach within a month. The end result was a 56% upshift in qualified organic traffic due to better search engine visibility. Also, the authentic customer testimonials and ratings collected by Trustoo from different sources enhanced customer trust in the offerings. 

This had two direct consequences. One, the visitors were convinced about the efficacy of the products, which made them complete their purchases. This boosted the conversion rates by 23%. Two, it encouraged users to explore additional offerings and make higher-value purchases. This bolstered the Average Order Value by 15%. 

A future full of promises

With the seamless integration of SEOAnt and Trustoo into their ecosystem, Sono Contour is not just preparing for growth; it’s setting the stage for an impactful journey. In the coming days, Sono Contour will emerge as a leader in the beauty and fitness sphere and will redefine the benchmarks of success in the industry. 

“Thanks to the powerful combination of SEOAnt and, our website is reaching new heights today. As we continue to leverage these platforms in the coming days, we expect a future where we dominate the industry and establish ourselves as the go-to brand for our audience’s skincare and body care needs.”

— Ms. Cheryl, Sales and Marketing Manager, Sono Contour

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