How to Get Sales on Shopify in 2024? Best 9 Tips for You

Do your best efforts to increase sales on your Shopify store seem in vain? You’re not alone.

Getting visitors to become clients presents difficulties for many business owners. But be not afraid!

This thorough guide will go into the causes of your Shopify store’s possible sales shortfall and offer you 9 doable solutions to improve things. From basic store optimization to in-depth major holiday marketing for your website.

How to Get Sales on Shopify

Why a Shopify store is not getting sales

Your Shopify store may not be drawing visitors or making sales for a number of reasons.

It could be because of a poor product presentation, low search engine results visibility, or the absence of trust signals that turn off prospective customers.

Competitiveness and changing customer tastes can also affect how well you sell. Overcoming these obstacles and succeeding with your Shopify store starts with an understanding of them.

Then treat the symptoms and optimize them step-by-step

9 useful tips to get sales on Shopify

Discover 9 Practical Tips to Increase Sales on Shopify. Learn effective strategies to improve your store’s performance and drive more conversions.

From optimizing SEO to offering discounts, these actionable tips will help you boost your Shopify sales and grow your business.

1. Improve your website’s SEO

Improving your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves several strategies to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some tips:

Spend some time researching keywords to find out what terms your target market is looking for, Identify relevant keywords and phrases related to your business, products, and services.

Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover high-traffic keywords with low competition. Then tailor your blog entries, product pages, and other material to those terms.

Create high-quality, informative content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Regularly update your website with fresh, engaging content to attract visitors and encourage return visits.

Improve page loading speed by optimizing images, minimizing HTTP requests, and leveraging browser caching. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix performance issues.

Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and headings with targeted keywords. Ensure your content is well-structured, easy to read, and includes relevant keywords naturally.

Use internal links to connect related content within your website. This helps search engines understand the structure of your site and improves navigation for users.

Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Focus on earning natural backlinks through guest blogging, influencer partnerships, and creating shareable content.

Increased search engine results visibility for your store can lead to more organic traffic to your website and eventually higher sales if you concentrate on SEO.

Are you losing traffic to competitors because of poor SEO?

2. Optimize your product pages

Make sure every product page is firstly well-structured, with succinct and understandable product descriptions, excellent photos, and an obvious CTA.

Putting your products in the best possible light and drawing in potential buyers need excellent product photography.

Make sure your pictures highlight your products from several perspectives, are well-lit, and are framed correctly.

Your chance of conversion will rise and you can make a good impression by presenting your products in an interesting and appealing manner.

Whether they’re making a purchase or getting in touch with you for further information, make it simple for clients to locate the information they need.

To promote cross- and up-sells, think about including related products, product recommendations, and customer reviews.

Sales will rise when you make your product pages seamless and pleasurable for your customers to shop on.

3. Share customer reviews

With prospective customers, client testimonials are a potent instrument for establishing credibility and trust.

Testimonials Page: Create a dedicated page on your website to showcase customer reviews and testimonials. Organize them by category or product to make them easy to navigate.

Product Pages: Display relevant customer reviews directly on your product pages. This social proof can help potential buyers make informed purchasing decisions and increase conversion rates.

Incorporate Visuals: Include images or videos alongside customer reviews whenever possible, such as star ratings or review sliders. Visual content can enhance the credibility of the testimonials and capture visitors’ attention.

Social Media Integration: Share customer reviews on your social media channels to reach a wider audience. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences and tag your brand.

Third-Party Review Platforms: Encourage customers to leave reviews on third-party platforms like Trustpilot, Yelp, or Google Reviews. Positive feedback on these platforms can enhance your brand’s reputation and attract new customers.

Respond to Reviews: Show appreciation for customer feedback by responding to reviews, whether positive or negative. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and fosters trust.

By strategically incorporating customer reviews into your website and marketing efforts, you can build credibility, instill confidence in potential buyers, and ultimately drive more sales.

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4. Offer free shipping

Free shipping can give you an advantage over competitors because many internet buyers list shipping costs as a significant determinant of their purchases.

Think about including free shipping into your pricing plan by either tying the cost of shipping into the product price or establishing a minimum order quantity to qualify for free shipping.

As an alternative, you might provide free shipping as a reward for devoted clients or as a time-limited promotion. Eliminating the shipping expense barrier will help you to increase sales and make your products more enticing.

5. Add trust signals to your online store

Long-term relationships and conversion promotion depend on your ability to win over customers’ trust.

Including trust signals in your Shopify store can reassure customers that your website is reputable, safe, and trustworthy.

Show off security certificates, trust badges, and guarantees on your website to project credibility and honesty.

Make sure your check out procedure is safe and open, and that you provide precise details on shipping choices, return policies, and payment options.

Customers can be given confidence and any worries they may have about making a purchase by you offering a safe and reliable shopping experience.

6. Offer discounts, promotions, and packages

These are powerful ways to encourage purchases and increase sales on your Shopify store.

To incite impulsive buying, think about providing discounts on particular items, seasonal promotions, or one-time sales events. To encourage customers to buy more, you might also design package offers or bundle deals that combine several items at a reduced price.

To get the most exposure and reach for your offers, promote them via social media, email marketing, and focused advertising.

You can draw in new business, thank devoted customers, and boost your total sales revenue by providing alluring discounts and promotions.

7. Provide excellent customer service

Make sure that you answer to consumer questions quickly and offer useful support all through the buying process.

Respond promptly to customer inquiries, whether they come through email, phone, social media, or live chat. Aim to address their questions or issues in a timely manner, ideally within 24 hours.

Whether handling returns, shipping delays, or troubleshooting technical issues, be proactive in attending to customer concerns and resolving any that may arise.

Keep them informed about the status of their inquiries or orders and provide clear explanations when things go wrong.

Encourage customers to share their feedback and suggestions for improvement. Actively solicit input through surveys, reviews, or direct conversations, and use this feedback to identify areas for enhancement.

Making the effort to satisfy your customers and going above and beyond to fulfill their needs will help you to build lasting relationships and encourage them to come back to your business time and time again.


Turn customer service into a profit center

Inbox tickets
Multi-store integration
Live chat & helpdesk
Branded widget

8. Offer a customer loyalty program

Rewarding devoted clients for their continuous support and encouraging repeat business are two excellent uses for a loyalty program.

If your Shopify store offers a loyalty program, think about adding one that gives consumers points or discounts for each purchase they make.

Incentives for enrollment and program participation could also include special benefits like early access to sales, birthday discounts, or freebies.

Using social media, email marketing, and on-site banners, advertise your loyalty program to promote sign-ups and interaction.

Your ability to build a sense of community and reward devoted clients will improve your relationships with them and raise their lifetime value.


Easy to customize your brand loyalty program

Build a community
Refer a friend
Rewards, Referral
Popup, Email, etc

9. Set up a killer email marketing campaign

Engaging your audience, developing leads, and increasing sales on your Shopify store are all made possible by email marketing.

Create an all-encompassing email marketing plan that includes focused campaigns for various audience groups, such as new subscribers, recoveries of abandoned carts, and devoted clients.

For more interaction and conversions, personalize your emails with pertinent information, suggested products, and special deals. Make the most of your subject lines, email content, and calls-to-action by A/B testing.

Incorporate holiday themes, imagery, and messaging into your email campaigns to capture the spirit of the season. Use eye-catching visuals and festive language to evoke emotions and resonate with your subscribers.

Provide special holiday discounts, promotions, or limited-time offers to incentivize purchases and drive urgency. Consider creating holiday-themed bundles or gift guides to help customers find the perfect gifts.

You can keep your audience top of mind, increase traffic to your store, and increase sales by using email marketing to its full potential.

Scale your online business with Shopify plus

As your business begins to flourish, along with an increasing volume of orders and customers, you need a larger platform to take on your current business.

Shopify Plus is a robust enterprise-level e-commerce platform designed to scale online businesses and meet the unique needs of high-volume merchants.

With advanced customization options, seamless scalability, and dedicated support, Shopify Plus empowers you to elevate your brand, expand globally, and drive unprecedented growth.

You can upgrade to Shopify Plus and unlock a world of unlimited e-commerce potential.

What’s Next?

In conclusion, achieving sales success on Shopify requires a strategic approach that combines optimization, marketing, and customer engagement.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enhance your store’s visibility, attract more visitors, and ultimately convert them into loyal customers.

Remember to continuously analyze your results, refine your tactics, and stay adaptable to evolving trends and consumer behaviors.

FAQs about how to get sales on Shopify

zero tan
Zero Tan

Content Specialist

I’m a passionate content creator dedicated to sharing valuable insights and knowledge on eCommerce. Whether it’s exploring the latest trends, offering practical tips, or diving deep into complex topics. I hope our content provides you with useful inspiration as well as value.

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